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Honour Roll

211 Squadron Honour Roll 1939—1945

Over the course of the war, the Squadron’s total personnel
strength ranged from about 400 to about 500 or so. The number of aircrew varied according to aircraft type and theatre, from around 50 or so to around 100.

There are now 325 men recorded on the roll below. Of these, 124 were aircrew, missing or killed in action or lost in flying accidents from 1939 to 1945. In the Far East from 1942, at least 186 personnel died in captivity, most of them groundcrew captured in Java in March 1942.

Others still, whether aircrew or groundcrew, died of illness or in other accidental circumstances. The following table gives a bald summary of the known losses of the Squadron during the war. Overall, the average age of the men who lost their lives was just under 26 years.


    flying accident

    Other death or accident

    PoWs died
     in captivity

    Total war dead 1939 to 1945

     PoWs surviving


     in captivity

    Escaped or liberated


    Western Desert








































    Middle East total








    Sumatra, Java








    India, Burma
















    Far East total
















    Total losses








Accuracy of the roll
Commonwealth War Graves Commission provides a very great service in its maintenance of war graves and memorials, and through its research and casualty record service. The Commission’s resources are very comprehensive but in the nature of things, not free of error. It is not practical for me to access all the original personnel records, as they are held by the Services or Archives of various Commonwealth countries and not always available for release. These records, too, may be in error, as may be other published sources.

There may therefore be errors in the roll as presented and it may very well be incomplete. Readers may be distressed by the sheer size of the roll, or worse, by any errors or omissions. Still, a record of this sort seemed to be a very important part of the 211 Squadron story, whatever the labour in its compilation and whether or not the result be imperfect.

Roll entries
The roll entries, in order, are: Name, Service number and decoration; rank or classification; mustering or duty where known; date of death (day, month, year); Service, age (where recorded); and War Cemetery or War Memorial name in shortened form. Aircrew are indicated by their mustering.

At the time, the frequent Air Ministry Casualty Communiques used a set of headings which distinguished broadly between losses in action vs those on active service, for example:

    Killed in action; Missing believed killed in action, Missing in action, Killed on air operations: due to flying operations against the enemy;
    Killed on active service: ground casualties due to enemy action, non-operational flying casualties, fatal accidents
    Died on active service: natural deaths.

The Communiques are still to be found in Library collections of contemporary newspapers and journals like Flight. In the roll below, where known, a brief but slightly more descriptive note of the circumstance of a man’s death is shown in the Comments column, for example, those who died in captivity are noted as PoW, while the many who remain missing are so noted.

As far as I am able to tell from the records, all the men in the roll below were associated with the Squadron in the circumstances of their death, though not necessarily as Squadron members:

    Sgt Allan, the Squadron’s first casualty of the war, was in fact killed in transit to his 211 Squadron posting while taking part in a Wellesley Delivery Flight to the Middle East, when Wellesley I K7754 was lost in bad weather off the French coast with K7740

    W/Cdr Coote and S/L Cryer, killed in action on the terrible Easter Sunday raid in 1941, were of the Western Wing Headquarters staff in Greece (OC and Deputy OC respectively) who, having ordered the unescorted raid, then volunteered to take part in it as Observers

    Pilot 748023 Sgt C Freeman, Observer P/O AC Smith RCAF, Observer Sgt 1251148 PP Hussey,
    WOp/AG Sgt 755697 W Armour, and WOp/AG Sgt 400575 PW Wheeler RAAF were posted missing presumed killed after Blenheim IV
    Z7628 with a crew of three plus two trainees failed to return to Wadi Gazouza from a night navigation exercise on 17 December 1941. Former members of 211 Squadron had been formally absorbed into 72 OTU on 18 November, only to be then posted out en massed on 19 December to reform 211 Squadron at Helwan. These five men were, then, the last aircrew lost on training with 72 OTU at Wadi Gazouza in 1941 before the 211 Squadron connection was finally broken.

    F/O Froggatt and his crewmates Sgt JDM Prentice (Observer) and F/Sgt DA Young were all killed in action on an operation with 11 Squadron over Libya in early January 1942, however, the CWGC records all three men as 211 Squadron members. They may have been attached to 11 Squadron, already posted to 211 Squadron, or incorrectly recorded: sadly, not resolvable at present

    F/Sgt Jack Richmond was a very experienced 211 Squadron Observer. He had risen through the ranks from Cpl WOp/AG in nearly four years on operations in the Western Desert, Greece and Palestine, decorated with the DFM for bravery after carrying out 58 operations. He was killed in action with an Australian crew of 11 Squadron on 25 January 1942, while on an operation over Libya. Their Blenheim IV V5899 suffered flak damage and forced landed with engine failure, the RAAF pilot and gunner both surviving. Like Frogatt and crew, Richmond is recorded by the CWGC as 211 Squadron, his attachment to 11 Squadron unclear

    Cpl Sigston died in the United Kingdom in 1942 at a time when the Squadron had been disbanded in the Far East, his exact attachment at present unclear.

For some of these men it has been possible to write a page, and links to these are shown in the usual way. Where possible, corrections have been incorporated from original source material.

Those who perished as Far East Prisoners of War under the Japanese are also shown on an additional roll (as are those who survived).

Honour Roll








Place of burial or commemoration

Adamson, William George R1184995 J85700








Ainger, George William 1331770








Allan, Arthur George Robert 562405






 In transit ME


Anderson, John Macklewain 1451252

 Flt Sgt





 Shot PoW


Anderson, Ronald William 187554








Anderton, James 1085594






 PoW at sea


Anderton, William Bramwell 1120401






 PoW at sea


Anholm, Ronald 1302851






 PoW at sea


Armour, William 755697








Arscott, Wilfred 759119

 Flt Sgt







Arthur, Norman 1118455








Baker, Stanley James 927430






 PoW at sea


Barber, Dennis William 946718








Barber, James Ernest 746793








Barber, Kenneth Charles 701778








Barlow, Cyril Oscare, J26409








Baron, Albert 1147898








Barrett, Dennis Charles 75922


 IC Stores




 MT accident


Barton, John 1069791








Bates, Edgar Cyril Shipley 618731








Beavis, Victor Frederick 640149








Bell, Anthony Arthur 1334151

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Bell, Peter Lindsay 1369740








Bendall, John Bayliss 1152466

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Bennett, Sidney Lewis 742975








Beveridge, James 1361272






 PoW at sea


Bewley, Edward William Carpenter 567170

 Flt Sgt

  Fitter IIE






Bewsher, Robert 1042107

 Flt Sgt







Bickley, Geoffrey Arthur 1003848






 PoW at sea


Birch, Charles Frederick 940696








Bishop GS 112244 [Sheldon-Bishop]








Blaxall, Albert Walter 1318859








Blazley, Thomas William 1330503








Blyth, Johnstone William 1366139








Boon, Ernest Moreton 1233069






 Missing: P51s


Bott, Allan Theodore 400823








Boulton, Fred 632480








Boutcher, Donald Gerald 565512








Bovier, Jack Armand 126159








Bryant, Ernest William 1185504








Bryce, Andrew 751444

 Flt Sgt







Buchanan, Lindsay Basil 40885 DFC








Burns, Kenneth James 526244








Burrage, John Allan 400643








Burton, George Harold 814176




(Aux AF)


 PoW at sea


Camberg, David 990101








Carroll, Robert 1098479






 PoW at sea


Carr, James William 1048291

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Carter, Evan Vivian 1315262






 PoW at sea


Chambers, Roy Arthur 1463571








Clark, Alfred Charles 923452








Clark, Dennis Townsend 924830








Clelland, John Baxter 1078671

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Julian Dennes William Hugh 42300






 Flying accident


Cochrane, Ronald 632633








Cole, Edward Frank 1175158








Cole, Percy William 940191








Coles, Rodney Maxwell 41553








Collings, Arthur Frederick 945820








Collins, Sidney 1359164








Constable, Percy Reginald 634150








Conway, Patrick Richard Barrington 1282160








Cook, Stanley Charles 1396062

 Flt Sgt







Coote, Patric Bernard 26155








Cosham, Kenneth Frank 1293357








Cox, Ronald Leslie 649388








Croston, Thomas 530013






 PoW at sea


Cruickshank Donald Ian J12883








Cryer, Leslie Edward 37084 DFC








Dagnall, Robert Neville 121532








Dalby, James Edward 917767






 PoW at sea


Davey, Raymond Thomas 920886






 PoW at sea


Davey, William 630718








Davidson, Francis 945728








Davidson, John Edmund 632161








Davies, Eric 187915








Davies, Geoffrey Preston 1213620

 Flt Sgt







Davies, Gerald 44072








Davies, Thomas Benjamin 1232082








Davis, Christopher 1317077








Davis, Douglas Victor 745061








Dawson, Donald James 88828






 PoW at sea


Deans, James Mccormack 1118163








Delaney, Luke Sylvestre (Duke) 40371








Depew, Neil Francis J86437








Devonport, George Adam 650110








Donaldson, John 954800






 PoW at sea


Donaldson, William John 778767

 Flt Sgt







Dumbleton, Albert 1139355








Dundas, Kenelm Crispin Vivian 41000 DFC








Dunnett, Stephen Falconer 179774








Dunne, Robert Noel 988714








Dunstone, Clive Colin 407226








Eccleshall, Robert Charles 1525542








Edgar, John Robert J8141






 Flying accident


Elwis, James Ronald 987209


 Fitter IIE






England, Arthur Eric 1270380








Fairless, Thomas 1236651






 PoW at sea


Falltrick, Thomas Albert 650078








Feltham, Montague Roy 1211363








Fender, John 1103623








Fenton, Ernest Whitworth 1310875








Finlay, John Basil 651512








Fisher, Thomas William Sarginson 993389








Fitzpatrick, John Edward R168763








Foley, Sidney Richard 1336769








Fox, Ivor Edward 1260307








France, Leslie Ronald 580854








Freeman, Claude Raisin 748023








Frew, Hugh Lonsdale 1374299








Froggatt, Aubrey John Walter 89057






 KIA (11 Sq)


Fuller, Kenneth 404741








Furniss, Charles Arthur 868690








Gates, Alfred Izzard 1099099








Gavigan, Edmund Patrick 774090








Geary, Arthur Charles 79188








Gent, William Charles 631481








Gibbons, Derek Arthur Leslie 624374








Gibson, Walter 552272








Giffard, Cyril 639616






 PoW at sea


Gilmore, Ivan Alexander William 1072498

 Flt Sgt







Goddard John William 401785






 Missing: P51s


Gollop, Robert 1522557

 Flt Sgt







Gollop, Walter David 1317118








Goodall,Charles Alexander 508886

 Flt Sgt







Goodman, A William Smith 1120650








Gordon, Frank 1078112








Gore, James Arthur 563780

 Flt Sgt





HMT Abosso


Gornall, George Herbert 402033








Grant, Donald Cockburn 972098

 Flt Sgt





Flying accident


Greenfield, Arthur 1134110








Grimsdell, Alexander Edward 1801903

 Flt Sgt







Groombridge, James Gilbert 913137






 PoW at sea


Hallett, Norman Alfred 650433








Hall, Warren Douglass R109174 J86784






 Shot PoW


Hamblin, Reginald Charles 1170132






 PoW at sea


Harnett, Laurence 625750






 PoW at sea


Harris, Charles William 1127239








Harvey, Jack Henry Charles 1585463

 Flt Sgt







Hawkins, William Reginald 1211134






 PoW at sea


Hayes, Patrick Henry 1336730






 PoW at sea


Herbert, Richard Vivian 33425








Hewlett, Albert John 624652








Hickson, Frank 1495268








Hill, George William 649400








Hind, John Forster 564645








Hipperson, Harold Herbert Matham 1436658

 Flt Sgt







Hodges, Thomas 1087945








Hodgkinson, Frank 1039619








Hogarth, Peter 81068








Holleran, John 946913






 PoW at sea


Holman, Robert Fenton 908080








Hood, William George 541777








Hopes, Jack 1550365

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Hopkins, Horace Lloyd 1231012






 PoW at sea


Howcroft, Fred Batty 549616








Humphries, William George 1059747








Hunter, George Overen 1014949








Hurson, William Redmond 1140213








Hussey, Peter Patrick 1251148
















Irvine, Antony Thorburn 36090








Jackson, William J14842








Jacobs, Alec 1237236








James, Arthur Graham 522253

 Flt Sgt







Jamieson, John 645332






 PoW at sea


Jefferies, John Paul 1055869








Jenkinson, George William 1309534








Jerdein, Guy Inglis 42312








Jones, Oswald 1019069






 PoW at sea


Jones, Ronald 1535804

 Flt Sgt







Kavanagh, John Jospeh 508631 DFM






 Natural causes


Kay, Raymond 1073264








Keeping, John Blane 404295
















Laker, Edward Christopher 637386








Lamond Henry James 404212








Lawrence, Wilfred John 574199






 Flying accident


Laywood, Roy Lindsay 853001




(Aux AF)




Lea, Henry Rickerby 1113641






 PoW at sea


Lee, William Alexander 622386






 PoW at sea


Lewis, Harold Victor 406146






 PoW at sea


Lightfoot, Alfred Henry 184095








Linton, Kenneth 41037






 KIA, missing


Lockyer, Philip Francis 116427








Lock, Silas 1548317

 Flt Sgt







Lovell, Cyril Walter 1580895

 Flt Sgt







Lowcock, Geoffrey 1432334






 Flying accident


Lucas, Cyril Roy George 912998








Luing, John Frederick 121527








Lynas, James Neville 406200








Mackay, Graham Gordon






 KIA Sumatra


Manley, Thomas 1086297








Mares, Sydney 1209490








Marsh, Ernest Aubrey 641845








Mason, George 645752






 PoW at sea


Mawdsley, Joseph Anderson 633465






 PoW at sea


Maylam, Harry Edward 1257180








McCooey, Patrick 1205336








McCord, Thomas Alexander 612781








McDonald, Malcolm Dalton 404298








McInerney, Thomas Taylor 407273







 Northern Territory

McKenzie, David 134713








McKinnon, Duncan 1346094








Mendy, Horace John 1309567








Menzies, Stewart Keith 400417








Mickleburgh, Edward Thomas 1291207






 PoW at sea


Middleton, Norman 1326199








Millar, Peter Richard 539095








Minshull, Alan 621508






 PoW at sea


Mohr, Reginald Daly 400019 DFM






 Missing, Java


Moorhouse, John Edward 640837








Morgan, Ronald Hugh 646961








Morley, Allan Ivan 1202564






 PoW at sea


Morris, John Aloysius 977552






 PoW at sea


Morris, Leslie Herbert 1152386






 PoW at sea


Morris, Rowland Vernun 527412






 PoW at sea


Moss, Claude John 1288253

 Flt Sgt







Muckle, Thomas Paterson 633896






 PoW at sea


Mullaney, James 1105761








Mulvey, Charles 614968


 Flt Mech






Munro, John 638862








Myers, Joseph Graham 1171890








Nash, Albert Edward 1497953

 Flt Sgt







Nedwill, Richard John Courtney AFC






Flying accident


Newell, Benjamin Butler 902459








Newman, Francis Kenneth 1294019








Newstead, Herbert Grant 747854

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


O'Neill, James Benjamin Thomas 746861








Oddie, Neville Hargreaves 400541






 KIA Sumatra


Oliver, Albert George 1331765

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Olney, Albert 1693558






 Gun accident


Orson, Arthur Ronald 902187








Painter, Raymond Sydney 152568








Parker John Graham 176397








Parker, Roger Conway 1198371








Pattison, George 640059 DFM








Paxton, Arthur 630239








Payne, Joseph Henry 406150






 KIA Sumatra


Pickersgill, Paul Bernard 41057








Pollard, Vynor 745972








Preece, Sydney Charles 637297






 PoW at sea


Prentice, John Duncan Mackay 968116






 KIA (11 Sq)


Pulley, Henry Jack 621841








Purnell, Cecil Frederick 1395676

 Flt Sgt















Quaintance, Daniel Roy 1418377

 Flt Sgt







Quigg, David John Blair 1079950








Ratcliffe, William Walmsly 1058262








Ray, Derrick David 546670








Read, Leslie Walter 1296836








Richards, Douglas Arthur 1309572








Richards, Norman 702926








Richmond, Jack 550946 DFM

 Flt Sgt





 Missing (11 Sq)


Ritchie, George 400543








Roberts, Arthur 968386






 PoW at sea


Robson, James Roland 1106425








Russ, Philip James 656508

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Sanderson, Reginald 621609








Sarginson, John George 1053546








Saward, James Edwards 1185335






 PoW at sea


Scadding, Geoffrey Charles 907342








Scott, Kenneth Samuel 625001








Seal, Cyril Arthur 1120396








Seddon, Thomas 1086234








Seeley, Kenneth John 1270400

 Flt Sgt







Sewell, George Aidan 530961







 El Alamein

Sharley, Cyril George 1167816






 Executed, Java.Missing


Sheldon-Bishop, Gabriel 112244


 Sqn I/O






Short, Philip George 1322044

 Flt Sgt







Sigston, John Arthur 521106







 City of London

Simpson, George Arthur 944334








Sims, Eric 1195232








Sinclair, Robert 1171745






 PoW at sea


Skedge, Maurice Henry 931023






 PoW at sea


Skinner, John 407673








Slaughter, Frederick Keith 628781






 PoW at sea


Slinger, Frank John 1032829








Small, Richard Leslie 1318887

 Flt Sgt





 Flying accident


Smith, Alexander Gordon J/3118








Smith, Douglas Leonard 1152228






 PoW at sea


Smith, George Bartle 563381








Southall, Henry Charles 1169108






 PoW at sea


Spencer, Frank Isherwood 619442








Stalder, Leslie Edward 518358








Steele Geoffrey Moore 407810








Steele, Reginald Alfred 751178








Stenning, Ronald Henry 152683








Stephens, Arthur Ernest 940755








Stevens, Ronald Victor John 1336749






 PoW at sea


Stewart, David McClellan 400545








Storey, William 1303164








Sultan, Muhammad 54426

Enrolled Follower







Taylor, Arnold Lindsay 940694








Taylor, Harry 745958








Taylor, Jack 858990




(Aux AF)




Thompson, Arnold Albert William 637894








Charles Edward Vasey 77466 DFC








Thomson, James Murray 400682








Tout, Robert Ernest George 647676








Trenholm, Henry 751905

 Flt Sgt







Trotter, John Alexander 527609








Tunstall, William Henry 749318








Tyler, Cecil John 1232861








Valentine, Peter Thomas 650750








Vaughan, Ross George, J/88656








Reginald Edgecumbe Leslie 565794








Waddell, George Alfred J16291








Wainhouse, Jack 653434

 Flt Sgt







Ward, Joseph William 979024








Waring, Arthur James 536941








Warrender, John Cowan 624160








Webster, Kenneth 1455066






 Flying accident


Weller, Arthur Leonard 940195








West, Arthur Dennis 1272550








Wheeler, Frederick Walter 400575








White, Gordon James 136061








White, Stanley William 635194








White, Thomas Dillon 1287897






 PoW at sea


Whittaker, Robert Arthur 626386






 PoW at sea


Wilkes, William 1575737






 Flying accident


Williams, William Anthony 1235518

 Flt Sgt







Woodall, Jack 136062








Wood, Percival Henry 1401948






 PoW at sea


Woolley, Philip Noel 1198789

 Flt Sgt







Young, Douglas Arthur 751662

 Flt Sgt





 KIA (11 Sq)


Young, Thomas 527248








Young, William Neilson 755906

 Flt Sgt







Remembered with honour

Commonwealth War Cemeteries
The war dead of the Squadron rest halfway around the globe, from England to Queensland. This is so, thanks to the post-war work of the RAF Missing Research and Enquiry Service (and its Search and War Graves recovery parties) and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, whose grim tasks at the end of the war were to recover, identify and decently inter the dead. In many cases all this was achieved, even for those lost in difficult circumstances. Others, though recovered, remained unidentified, while many remain lost or missing beyond hope of recovery.

These men rest in the War Cemeteries (or are remembered in the War Memorials) kept in perpetuity by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission around the world, as follows:

    Alamein Memorial, El Alamein, Egypt
    Aleppo War Cemetery, Syria
    Ambon War Cemetery, Indonesia
    Benghazi War Cemetery, Libya
    Chittagong War Cemetery, Bangladesh
    City of London Cemetery, Essex, UK
    Delhi War Cemetery, India
    El Alamein War Cemetery, Egypt
    Jakarta War Cemetery, Indonesia
    Kranji War Cemetery, Singapore
    Kanchanaburi War Cemetery, Thailand
    Khartoum War Cemetery, Sudan
    Kirkee War Cemetery, India
    Labuan War Cemetery, Malaysia
    Lutwyche War Cemetery, Brisbane, Queensland
    Maynamati War Cemetery, Bangladesh
    Madras War Cemetery, Chennai, India
    Northern Territory Memorial, Adelaide River War Cemetery, NT
    Phaleron War Cemetery, Greece
    Ranchi War Cemetery, India
    Rangoon War Cemetery, Myanmar
    Runnymede Memorial, Surrey, UK
    Singapore Memorial, Singapore
    Taiping War Cemetery, Malaysia
    Taukkyan War Cemetery, Myanmar
    Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery, Myanmar
    Yokohama War Cemetery, Japan

More information
Anyone seeking more information might like to start with the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, where it’s Database can either be searched or downloaded for more complete information than is practical to show here. The work of the Commission and its philosophy are beautifully recorded in Remembered: The History of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission by Summers and Harris (Merrell and CWGC 2007).

This roll of the Squadron’s World War II dead has been compiled from information supplied by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, extended or reconciled with other sources:
Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour
211 Squadron
Operations Record Book (AIR 27/1302 and AIR 27/1303)
Cyril Clark’s Flying Log Book and Aircrew in Greece notes;
Flying Log Books and/or diaries of
W Baird, R Cuttiford, JB Keeping;
RAAF Casualty files of T McInerney and
NH Oddie;
Peter Spooner’s India & Burma
casualty list.
Malcolm Barrass’ fine
Air of Authority site.
UK National Archives AIR 81 casualty files list

For the Far East Prisoners of War, the entries were reconciled with
Anthea Beckett’s Java Index
and later with
L&P Stubbs Unsung Heroes of the RAF: The Far East Prisoners of War.


www.211squadron.org © D Clark & others 1998—2024
Site created 15 Apr 2001, last updated 20 Dec 2024. Page created 21 Jan 2005, last updated 20 Dec 2023
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